Saturday, July 02, 2005

They Made Me Do It

I was out to dinner with some college friends last week and they were telling me to get one of these blogs. I listened. I'm not sure why - a lack of power over peer pressure...a need for someone read about the boring ongoings of my suburban existence. Regardless, here 'tis. I think the standard protocol is to write about my day.

Today I went to beach. By summer's end I'd like to be so dark that strangers might mistake me for some exotic model who is visiting America for the summer... They will take pictures of me, but only my teeth will show up in the prints. This evening I joined my friends for a night on the Montville... usually there is no"on the town" in a town such as Montville, but 4th of July weekend is an exception. People you haven't seen (or wanted to see) in ages fill the athletic fields of MTHS to watch the fire works. Thankfully, our taxes here in Mo-ville are so high that we can fund a glittery pyrotechnic display for a cool 1/2 mil. And folks, they were worth every penny. God Bless America.


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